Bible School
November 14, 2015 was an exciting day, one that we had been in preparation for quite some time. It was on that day that we held the first class of our new IAM Bible School! Years before, Rev. Sharon Titian first hosted a part-time extension program from Pinecrest Bible Training Center, and later established Mount Zion Bible College under Shalom Bible College and Seminary. The vision of Titian Ministries was to reestablish a Bible school at the Adidome site and this was the right time. Relationships had been formed with the local church community through visits to local churches and a Pastors and Leaders Seminar. From this, seven pastors from local churches volunteered to teach in the Bible school.
The IAM Bible School is a part-time, one-year program that has a great impact on the lives and ministries of those who attend. The intent of the school is to see regional transformation as local Christian leaders join together to train believers in Biblical values and release them into their personal callings. The first and foremost desire is to impart a love for God, intimacy with Him through prayer and worship, and the formation of Godly character in the lives of the students. The goal is to enable students to apprehend and be released in their specific callings for the Lord’s glory. The cost is affordable because we are using existing buildings and partnering with local pastors and lay leaders to be volunteer teachers.
Evangelism and Missions are an emphasis of this school. Our classroom training consists of a Basic Bible and a Discipleship Training course, as well as Old and New Testament Survey. The students participate each month in practical experience of outreach evangelism and works of mercy. They plan for and go on a mission trip before graduation.
Our goal is to re-establish the full time Bible School in addition to the IAM Bible School.