Changing Lives,
Transforming a Nation
The Vision Continues to Unfold
Dear Friends of Titian Ministries,
At the start of this new year, we want to appreciate you and the impact you have made on the work of Titian Ministries International with your prayer support and generous donations. We are always amazed, as we look back over a year, at what God has made possible, as the efforts of our donors and our staff are joined together.
We had a wonderful Christmas celebration at both sites of the ministry, at the ocean site in Analoga and at the river site in Adidome. Our staff each get monetary bonus and the children get a gift of clothing. In Ghana the most prized gift for Christmas is new clothes. We also celebrated Christmas with the 56 elderly we give food to each month, our Loaves and Fishes program. We added special treats to their package, and also gave a drink and cookies to the helpers who come for the elderly who cannot.
Loaves and Fishes
This is one of our newer women in the Loaves and Fishes ministry. When we met Janet, she was living in an open broken down mud room, which you can see to the far right in this picture. She had nothing except a grass mat to sleep on and ragged clothes. I gave her a mattress and a metal chest I had to put her things in, and a few of my old dresses. However, every time we see her, she is wearing the same one. We were going to close in the room she lived in so she wouldn’t get rained on but found out that the people who owned it were angry at her and wanted her out. A neighbour took interest in her and wanted us to close in an area of a house his family owns, but the rest of the family objected. Finally, when we were told that there was a small piece of land her grandmother owned, that no one could kick her out of, we built this simple structure. Our carpenter designed it and worked for a low rate, the neighbour contributed some cement blocks, and her daughter provided cement for the floor. Her daughter (standing in the house) told us that she didn’t visit her mother very often because she was unable to help the situation. she is very proud of her house!
Savior is the son of Peace, who was one of the children in our children’s home when she was younger. I mentioned him in the January 2022 newsletter. He was born without a rectum and had a colostomy when she came to us for help a while ago and we assisted them with medical costs since that time. He needed two surgeries to correct the problem. Last January, his operation was held up when he had pneumonia. Well, the child you are now looking at in this picture is a healthy boy who is functioning normally. His operations went well and were completed by September of last year. We thank God that we were able to step in when it was desperately needed.
Winning Star International School has been growing since we started to work with them. We have done a lot, but there remains a lot of other needs since the school has started to grow. One of the most exciting ways we have been able to support them is by putting a computer lab in place. These village children now have better computer facilities than many in towns and cities. The pictures below were taken right after the computers arrived so, as you can see, the computers were not yet on. the man is the IT teacher.