Our Mission

Titian Ministries International, Inc. is a non-denominational Christian charity that reaches out to the underprivileged in Ghana, West Africa with the anointing of Jesus Christ sharing God’s Word with His most vulnerable children, healing the brokenhearted and proclaiming liberty to those who are bound spiritually, socially and physically.


To show the love of God for marginalized peoples by providing food, education, medicine and Biblical teaching and assisting the recipients in becoming self-sufficient.
To develop and train up leaders in all aspects of life to impact their communities for Christ, bringing transformation to their nation.
To improve the comfort and quality of the lives of the elderly.
To work with local churches and other Christian organizations.



  • That the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

  • That there is one true and living God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • That man was created in the image of God, but as a result of sin, is lost and powerless to save himself.

  • That the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal deity and is the virgin-born Son of God who died upon a cross to bear mankind’s afflictions and punishment for sin; who arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father, and who will return to earth in power and glory.

  • That sin is cleansed only through personal repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

  • That personal salvation is the result of regeneration by the Holy Spirit who baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ.

  • That believers are to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 and that there is a moving and working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men in these last days.

  • In the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth, and in the establishment of His Kingdom on this earth.

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