Our History
In 1989 Sharon Titian responded to the call on her life which led her to a remote village in the Volta Region of Ghana, West Africa. Life was very hard there for a Canadian woman and Sharon suffered greatly during those early years. Still the Lord used her there to expose the Tro-Kosi Fetish Shrine system. Under this system young girls are enslaved in the shrines to atone for the crime of a family member. They become the property of a Fetish Priest, deprived of food, medical help and basic needs and suffer terrible reproach by their families and communities.
For the next 10 years Sharon helped to provide life skills and vocational training to enable these girls to become self-supporting as well as teaching them the Word of God. After accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts they were delivered and set free from demonic oppression, fear and guilt.
In 1994 Sharon was asked to provide evidence to the Parliament of Ghana to introduce a bill which would stop this cultural abuse of women and young girls. By the grace of God, in 1998 a law was passed in Ghana to abolish the practice. A Vocational Training Center was established at Missions International (Titian Ministries International) where the then free Tro-Kosi girls could learn skills which would help them to become independent.
Work continued with the schooling for the poor of the area needing economic help. Literacy and vocational training was provided for both young men and women. In November 2002 a Biblical Studies Program was started after a request from local church leaders. The Bible School provided diplomas and degrees for Ghanaian students who desired education in biblical studies but would never be able to afford it. At the same time Sharon established a feeding and social program for the elderly people called Loaves and Fishes.
After eighteen years of working in Ghana the needs of the community changed. In response Rev Sharon concentrated on providing a feeding program for the elderly and a home for at risk children who the social welfare department and educational services brought to her for care.