So Much Was Accomplished
Ghana 2016 Mission Trip Report
On Sept 10th Titian Ministries hosted their first “Fundraising Dinner” in Amherstburg Ontario. It was a tremendous success. We sold all 200 tickets that were available. The Knights of Columbus Hall was filled with joy, laughter and excitement as the guests enjoyed a wonderful half chicken dinner, slide presentation and the hilarious auctioneer, Karen Belleau who helped sell the many prizes on the auction table.
In the end, we raised $14,000.00 for the upcoming mission trip to Ghana.
The team of Rene Caza, Murray Curtis, Joy Presland, Jerry Margin, Jack Armaly and Dr. Gertruda Armaly left on Oct 2, 2016 for the long flight to Accra Ghana. We arrived tired, but happy to see Rev. Donna Rohrmiller, Pastor Paul and William. The men with Pastor Paul headed to the Ocean House and began the task of transforming the facility. In two weeks time, they built kitchen cupboards, shelves, installed doors and door frames. They put in toilets and sinks, light fixtures and built closets. They purchased paint and painted all the upstairs rooms, but also a large bedroom downstairs for the oldest three young men. What an incredible transformation.
It was amazing to see at times up to 4 young men learning skills from our men. Joseph was taught how to paint by Murray Curtis and became an expert painter. Joshua became Rene’s apprentice as he learned how to measure, use a skill saw, drill and other tools. The house was a hub of activity. Each day, Pastor Paul’s wife Martha brought them their midday meal which they enjoyed on the porch overlooking the ocean. It was about the only place where it was cool. Most times the men were drenched from the humidity and heat. In spite of that the fellowship and the unity were amazing. God was truly present as they worked to complete the “Foster Home” for Children of Zion.
In the evening the team returned to the guest house to have a light supper of sandwiches and an early bed time because of the exhaustion from the heat.
Donna, Joy and I drove to Adidome from the airport and began our itinerary of speaking engagements, board meetings and our first graduation at the IAM Bible School which is hosted at Titian Ministries headquarters in Adidome. We had the privilege of speaking at 5 different churches in the area. We received other invitations to come and speak in HO. There is a hunger for the Word of God.
Titian Ministries hosted its’ second Pastors/Leaders Conference in Adidome. It was again a wonderful success. We then travelled to Adakloe where Jake and Katherine Reddicopp have started a church. Here we also had the privilege of speaking at their first pastors/leaders conference. On Sunday afternoon they host between 250-300 children from the town and it was my husband’s privilege to tell them a story with the help of Fred Kwao who interpreted the story for him. It was such fun for everyone. Jack is an amazing story teller. Donna had him tell the story to our children at the home in Anloga.
Thanks to Katherines amazing cooking skills, we enjoyed a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving dinner at their home. With grateful hearts we thanked God for all that He is doing in Ghana in this hour. It is wonderful to see the restoration of so many relationships and to see the ministry move forward into all that God had placed on the heart of Rev Sharon Titian so many years ago.
Before we headed to Anloga to join the team there, Donna and I met with the DCE, Mary who is like the mayor of the district. We had a wonderful visit, sharing with her all that the Titian Ministries is doing both in Adidome and Anloga. The D.C.E. Mary expressed great appreciation for the wonderful impact that Titian Ministries is having in Adidome.
Finally, on the Friday of the second week, I had the opportunity to minister to 50 elderly men and women. After sharing the Word of God with them, I prayed for healing for their bodies. God wonderfully showed up and six people testified spontaneously of being healed of back pain, leg pain and other ailments. We prayed a second time and believe that we will hear many testimonies the next time they meet. Each person received a month’s supply of food staples, detergent, and soap to bath with. This is only the second such program for the elderly in all of Ghana. Our hope is to raise enough funds so that we can bless them with a new outfit at Christmas, just like Rev Sharon did so many years ago.
Our greatest and final activity was to bring Xhorve and William and their 10 children to their new home. There was such excitement as they walked through the bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, dinning room and kitchen. The girls giggled with excitement that they would have a bedroom and bathroom all of their own. Xhorve and William were overwhelmed with the fact that for the first time in their lives they will have a bedroom with an on suite bathroom. In the kitchen they have kitchen cupboards and shelves. Closets in bedrooms. We dedicated the building for the Lord’s use and blessed and thanked all that sowed generously into this ministry. On the way home we blessed William with enough money to have a dining room table and chairs built for 12 people. We will be moving two more children in with them at the end of the month.
Finally thank you to all who have faithfully supported this work. We recognize that without you this could not have happened. May you… like us… rejoice at what God has done with the finances that you have sown into this ministry. The wall is done and paid for as are all the renovations. God is Faithful!
Dr. Gertruda Armaly
International Director of Titian Ministries.
455 County Rd. 34 West
Essex, ON, N8M 2X5