Dear Friends of Titian Ministries
Jer. 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. NIV
The year 2020 was a year of much turmoil and much change in the whole world. Yet, all of us can thank the Lord for so many blessings. As I think back over the last 12 months, I can see God’s love and care for this ministry continuously overshadowing it. He has never left us for one moment. So much was accomplished, and we are very thankful. We are filled with great hope for 2021 and all that God has planned for us.
Our beautiful bungalow was completed the end of June and our children were moved from the barracks to their new location. There was great joy as they were able to play soccer and other games together on our 4 ½ acre compound. It was such a pleasure to see the whole “family” together. But as we shared in our last newsletter, that joy was short lived.
In July, 11 children were taken back to their families. Fred our new manager and social worker for our home, worked with our new Regional Welfare officer Gabriel to check up on the children. Most of our children made the transition well, especially our older ones. But we were very concerned for 2 sets of twins that were returned home to unsafe environments. There has been a lot of prayer for these 4 children by our intercessors and God has intervened. A lot of the other children came from one area and so because the schools were all closed, we were able to enrol them in a private school to take classes for the remainder of 2020. This way they were not on the streets getting into trouble and the kids loved it.
Two of our most vulnerable children Peter and Paul were monitored very closely by our Welfare Officer Gabriel and an intervention was done right after Christmas. The children both suffer with sickle cell anaemia and were not receiving their proper medication and nutrition. After a short visit in the hospital, they are now safely at home with Xhove and William and are recovering with Xhove’s wonderful cooking and motherly love. This is the only home these boys have ever known. They came to us as 3 month old babies. Please keep them in your prayers for healing for their emotional wounds.
Nurses College: Joshua is finally fulfilling his dream and is settled in nurses’ college in Keta. We are covering his education, lodging and food. He is so very grateful. In the last 6 months he has been in Adidome with Rev. Donna Rohrmiller where he has been helping her in many different areas. Rev. Donna will miss having him around. He is a hard worker and has a servant’s heart which will make him a wonderful nurse.
The ministry will continue to provide uniforms, shoes, books and medical cards for the children who have gone home to be with extended family. Many of the families would not be able to put their children in school without our help. We want to see them become men and women who can impact their nation for the Lord. All of our staff and children, as well as the children who went home received their Christmas presents as usual. Our staff in both locations also enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner together. We are so grateful for your ongoing support to be able to bless these children.
Our Farming Project: We have been steadily moving forward with our farming project. Our first well is now in operation and the land has been prepared for planting. They are now in the process of laying down the irrigation pipes. It will be exciting to see the first seeds put in and the first crops harvested. Some more of the 9ft high walls have been stuccoed to protect them from the sea salt and the kitchen has been completed in our new bungalow. After our staff is trained as Foster Parents, we hope to put 6 more children in that home. The staff has been busy working hard to prepare for the new season that lies ahead.
In Adidome our 50 elderly celebrated Christmas with Rev. Donna and our staff. We also have been able to feed some of the very poorest that have come to mission for help. We were also able to provide medical help to an elderly man and a young mother with her child.
We have continued our classes for the IAM bible school. At present we have 13 students that will be graduating in the Spring.
Please pray for us. Pray for our children as they get adjusted to living with a family member or a distant relative. Pray for the ones who were placed in a shelter to be adopted. Pray for the “NEW” God wants to do that it comes to fullness, that we will find the second foster couple or mother. Pray that the training and certifications will be done soon so that we can receive the children that God has for us.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We could not do this without your prayers and help. If anyone would feel led to help us feed the hungry, you can give online. The needs are great right now. It never ceases to amaze me at how God so wonderfully supplies all our needs through His riches in glory. Thank you.
In Christs Wonderful Service
Dr. Gertruda Armaly
International Director of Titian Ministries International.