Matt 9:35-38 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. 36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” NKJV
I would like to wish each one of you a Blessed and Prosperous 2018. I want to thank you for your support of this ministry with your prayers and financial giving. This would not be possible without your generosity. Please know that you have an inheritance for all eternity in building into lives in Ghana West Africa. It is through you we have been able to bring hope into many lives that would otherwise have been devastated. Thank you!
I just want to give you a short update of what is happening in Titian Ministries Ghana. Our Toyota Rav 4 is finally sitting in Rev. Donna Rohrmiller’s garage, but not without a huge battle. It is not easy to work with the Port authorities in Ghana because there is still a great deal of corruption in that area. The new government that was put in is trying to deal with it, but it is a slow process. We met with much opposition and many extra expenses, but we finally have a very good vehicle for the ministry. What a difference it will make in Rev. Donna’s life as she travels around for ministry and to see our elderly and our children.
Our elderly program “Loaves and Fishes” now has 55 people attending. We were asked by Social Welfare to take on a few more people who were starving and in desperate need. How can we say no. So they each receive staples of rice, oil, lentils, laundry detergent and soap to bath with. They are also from time to time when we can afford it given sardines. They are so thankful for the provision they are receiving and for the time of fellowship that they have. We were able to bless them at Christmas with a few extra gifts and a small party and lots of love. They so enjoy it.
BUT we received some difficult news this week that the business man who has been giving us $1100.00 monthly to take care of this ministry is not able to any longer. So we only have enough to carry on for 2 more months. WOULD YOU CONSIDER SOWING INTO THESE PRECIOUS ELDERLY MEN AND WOMEN so that we do not have to disappoint them by stopping the program. It has also been such an incredible witness to the community and to the government officials in that region. We are the only program in Ghana that does this type of work, other than one in the capital of Accra.
FUTURE PLANS: We are painting the downstairs of the ocean house and then plan to purchase tables and chairs for the study hall and the fellowship room. We also will be cementing the 9ft high fence on the Ocean side because the salt spray is beginning to damage it. Our HOPE IS TO BEGIN TO BUILD THE FIRST OF TWO BUNGALOWS’ ON OUR PROPERTY AT THE OCEAN so that we can move the children over from the Barracks.
So we continue to make the environment for our children more suitable so that they can prosper and become strong men and women who will change their nation. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please share about this ministry with family and friends. We really need to increase our support base. If anyone would like to have me come and share about the ministry I am very willing to come for a gathering, lunch or fellowship that you set up.
Blessings from myself and the Board of Titian Ministries in Canada
Rev. G Armaly