Opening of the Bible School
November 14, 2015 was an exciting day, one that we had been in preparation for quite some time. It was on that day that we held the first class of our new IAM Bible School! Even before I was called to be a part, the vision of Titian Ministries was to reestablish a Bible school at the Adidome site. Rev. Sharon Titian first hosted a part-time extension program from Pinecrest Bible Training Center, and later established Mount Zion Bible College under Shalom Bible College and Seminary. And now it was time to start again.
Why so long in preparation? The answer is RELATIONSHIP, and along with that TRUST. During the first year, I visited many of the local churches and met many of the pastors. It is important that they see me and the ministry as part of the Christian community, interested in all of it and not connected with any one church or denomination. There is a general distrust of Bible schools as some in the past have enticed away those they trained to set up their own denomination’s churches. Also, this Bible school is built on volunteer teachers, and getting volunteers comes from relationship as well as the casting of a vision. The year-long effort was successful. We held a 2-day pastors’ and leaders’ seminar in October where I discussed the idea of opening a school. The response was positive and plans were put into place.
We have 7 volunteer teachers, including myself. I am the Director of the school and Rev. Jacob Aheto, a Titian Ministries board member, is the Dean and will be leading the evangelism outreaches. We have ten students in our first class. It is a good group to start with, all are very interested and intent on learning. I only advertised in the churches this time so we could establish ourselves with them first. After this class, we will advertise more widely.
Since 2006, I have been the Ambassador to Ghana for International Accelerated Missions (IAM). There are 9 other IAM Bible schools in Ghana. I oversee them all. The intent of the schools is to see regional transformation as local Christian leaders join together to train believers in Biblical values and release them into their personal callings. The first and foremost desire is to impart a love for God, intimacy with Him through prayer and worship, and the formation of Godly character in the lives of the students. The goal is to enable students to apprehend and be released in their specific callings for the Lord’s glory. IAM is an interdenominational discipleship program that takes the training to rural/remote areas, keeping it cost affordable by using existing buildings and partnering with local pastors and lay leaders to be volunteer teachers. IAM training consists of two courses (1) the IAM Basic Bible Training and (2) the IAM Discipleship Training, which are taught consecutively. It also includes Old and New Testament Survey, and practical experience of outreach evangelism and works of mercy. The students plan and go on a mission trip before graduation.