Missions Trip 2013 – Michael and Johanna Johnson
Titian Ministries is very grateful to the Lord that He has called Pastor Michael and Johanna Johnson to join the Titian Ministries Team to work in Ghana. They came on board in 2013. Michael and Johanna live in Woodslee Ontario, Canada. Their plan is to be able to spend about 6 months of the year in Ghana when they retire. They have received several prophetic words that they have been called to work with our children at our Children’s Home. Johana is a registered nurse and Michael is an electrician, but they are both skilled in many areas. They have been very well equipped to help advance the programs that are needed to help our children become strong citizens of Ghana.
Pastor Mike and Joanne were our first mission team to go to Anloga Ghana, West Africa in March of 2013. They loved their experience in Ghana. They met with Pastor Paul Akotey and all of his staff, and many of the children there. “Pastor Paul’s staff are a pleasure to be around. We were able to go to the children’s Sunday school classes. The children had their pictures taken with us. When three-year-old twins Peter and Paul were on our laps they seemed to want to stay there for longer than they had time to. I think that they miss Sharon very much,” said Pastor Mike Johnson.
On this trip Michael and Johanna visited our facilities in Adidome, They took pictures and examined the state of the facilities. They are all in need of much repair. They have been sitting empty now for over 5 years. It is here that we will once again establish our headquarters. This property is also the location of our Bible School. The two school blocks are in need of much.